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Organizational Interface Components

When a user logs into our platform with an Organizational account, he/she will notice two additional tabs present under the "Account Profile" page, labelled "Teams" and "People" . These lead to the Teams Explorer and People Explorer interfaces respectively, through which the lists of Teams / People comprised within the parent Organization can be browsed.

An additional Team-specific Page exists for each Team, listing all of its assigned People and Entities.

The access points to these three interface components are highlighted in the image below. Their respective documentation pages are referenced according to the same numbers:

Teams People Tabs

1. Teams Explorer

The various aspects of Teams Explorer are explained here.

2. People Explorer

The features of People Explorer are documented here. These are pertinent to both the wider Organization and to each of the Team-specific pages.

3. Team-specific Pages

Team-specific pages are accessible under the Teams Explorer. Their description is to be found here.