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Resource Manager Directives

As introduced here, the keywords described in the present page may be specified as PBS Resource Manager Directives (preceded by the #PBS prefix), to be embedded in a batch script. These directives are particularly important for allocating the necessary computational resources and parameters to the given simulation Job, for its submission to the CLI.

Full documentation on the resource management software and its directives can be found the reference containing the information about the Resource Management System in the corresponding page of the present documentation.

Important Directives

Directive Default Description
-l nodes = 1 node Number of compute nodes assigned to the job
-l ppn = 1 processor per node Number of processors per node (ppn). Note: ppn must be less than or equal to the maximum available number of cores on the target compute node
-l walltime = 00:00:05:00 The maximum authorized wallclock time for the job, after which the job will be automatically terminated
-N No default The name of the job; up to 15 printable, non-whitespace characters
-q batch Name of submit queue, for example "D" for Debug or "OR16" for Ordinary, Regular, 16 cores per each compute node
-R y Register Job in the Web Interface ("y" for yes or "n" for no). This option is further explained here
-A Default Project Charge job to the selected project

Project Name is required for Organizational Accounts

We recommend to consult the accounting aspects of the Project Name and its effect on the accounting for the organizational accounts documented here.

Other Useful Directives

Directive Default Description
-r y Make the job re-runnable, in the sense that it can be restarted automatically. Select either "y" for yes or "n" for no. This is particularly useful when running Jobs under the Saving queue category, where the job can be interrupted anytime due to limited resources
-e <job_name>.e<job_id> Write the standard error message(s) (stderr) encountered during job execution to the selected file name
-o <job_name>.o<job_id> Write the standard output of the simulation (stdout) to the selected file name
-j Do not merge Merge (join) stdout and stderr. Select "oe" for merging to output file, or "eo" for merging to error file instead
-m a Email notification: a = send mail if job aborted by system; b = send mail when job begins; e = send mail when job ends; n = never send email. All the options may be combined together
-M None User email address to which the above-mentioned notifications should be sent

Environment Variables

The batch system defines many environment variables, which are available for use within batch scripts via the $ reference prefix. The following table list some of the more useful variables.

Further explanation of these Environment Variables can be found under the reference containing the information about the Resource Management System in the corresponding page of the present documentation (page 112).

Variables modification not recommended

The user is advised not to redefine the value of any of these variables.

Variable Name Meaning
PBS_O_LOGNAME Login name of user who submitted the job
PBS_O_HOME Home directory of submitting user
PBS_O_WORKDIR Working directory in which the job files were defined and then submitted
PBS_JOBID Unique identifier for this job; important for tracking job status
PBS_O_QUEUE Name of submit queue
PBS_QUEUE Name of execution queue
PBS_O_JOBNAME Name of the present job
PBS_NODEFILE Name of file containing list of nodes assigned to this job
PBS_NUM_NODES Number of nodes assigned to this job
PBS_NUM_PPN Value of "ppn" (processes per node) for this job
PBS_NP Total number of processors, that is the multiplication of the above-mentioned PBS_NUM_NODES with PBS_NUM_PPN

Standard Output and Error

While the job is running, the standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) of the simulation are written to temporary "spool" files (for example: "123456-cluster.o" and "123456-cluster.e") inside the Working directory. If the user decides to merge stderr/stdout via the aforementioned #PBS -j eo or #PBS -j oe directives, then only one such spool file will appear.

These files will be updated in real-time while the job is running, allowing the user to make use of them for job monitoring. It is important that these spool files are not modified, removed or renamed while the job is still running.

After the batch job completes, the above files will be renamed to the corresponding stdout/stderr files (for example: my_job.o123456 and my_job .e123456).


In order to get notified via email about an accidental job termination, resulting for example from computational errors or in case the job was being executed in the Saving Category and got interrupted, the above-mentioned #PBS -m abe and #PBS -M < email_address > directives must be set inside the Batch Script file.

In addition, for the latter case of Jobs being run in the Saving Category, our scheduling system automatically restarts any unintentionally terminated jobs, and re-submits them into the regular queue for their continuation. If the user does not want the job to be restarted in this way, he/she must set the #PBS -r n directive inside the Batch Script. In this case, a temporary folder containing the job's intermediate results will be created in the user's home directory.