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Object Storage

In the present section of the documentation, we offer a general introduction to the concept of Object Storage for storing and transferring unstructured data, particularly the input and output files of simulations. The procedure of storing data in the form of objects is necessary for making it accessible under the Web Interface.


Object Storage 1
A particular type of storage architecture that manages unstructured data as Objects, as opposed to other architectures such as the hierarchical file systems. Object Storage provide an established way of accessing files from web applications.


We introduce the concept of Files, as referred to inside our platform, here.


We review the security policies affecting object storage in this page.


The Dropbox utility for sharing files and data across the entire infrastructure of our platform is the object of a separate discussion.

User Interface

The Files Explorer for navigating the files objects from within the Web interface is described here.

Instances of this explorer interface can be found both under the Dropbox page, and under the Files Tab of Job Viewer.


We introduce the actions available under the above-mentioned Files Explorer in this section of the documentation.