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We support two main login connection methods: through Web Interface, and Command Line Interface (CLI). One must have a valid username and password in order to login via either. Secure shell sessions use key-based authentication. Users logged-in through the web interface can, without additional authentication, also access the CLI via the Web Terminal, and have a Remote Desktop Environment option available to them.

The user can find out more about such connection methods under the connection options page. The - login page is where the platform can be accessed.

Creating Materials

We highlight three ways to input material geometries:

Combinatorial sets, for example, make it possible to rapidly create a large number of material geometries.

Toggle "isNonPeriodic", for example, makes it possible to a create a non-periodic structure, i.e. a molecule.

Running Simulations

We allow users to simulate materials to extract desired properties. In order to do so, one needs to construct a simulation workflow. For many properties we have a set of workflows available in the workflows bank that are available for copy by users.


Workflows define the logic used during simulation. Each workflow has one or more characteristic properties associated with it. Workflows are dependent on the simulation engine, on the choice for a model, and on its computational implementation, or method.

For example, Density Functional Theory, as implemented in its plane-wave pseudopotential formulation under the Quantum ESPRESSO and VASP codes, is supported at current.

More information about specific workflows can be found in the tutorials section.


Our computational infrastructure supports multiple clusters/cloud providers, including Amazon's AWS or Microsoft's Azure services.

Important compute parameters (such as submission queue, number of nodes and processors per node, time limit, cloud provider/cluster etc...) should be set before running simulations. The user can find out more about them under the following links.

Run Simulations via Command Line Interface (CLI)

Advanced users connecting to our CLI may submit jobs directly through it, through the use of Batch Scripts. The user can read more in the following pages.

Exabyte Data Convention

We employ a data convention that supports storing materials, simulations and properties in an organized and easy-to-navigate manner. It is designed with collaborative access to data in mind, and has a flexible permission scheme allowing for complete privacy or wide publicity.

We store all data about simulations and materials. Data originated from web application is automatically organized and searchable within the web interface. Data originated on command line is accessible from within the web application, and can also be further imported and organized for future search and potential use in advanced analytics / data mining / machine learning applications. We further explain our approach here.

Find out more under the following pages:

Other considerations related to accounts, their service and data ownership/permissions can be found under the links below: