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Add / Delete Atoms

It is possible to place or delete individual atoms at desired locations within the crystal structure directly in the 3D graphical viewer.


Deletion of atoms is performed by right-clicking on the atom's entry within the "Scene" sidebar list displayed towards the right-hand side of the 3D editor interface. After the right click, the user should select the Delete option within the resulting menu.


In order to add a new atom, the user should follow the same instructions as in the cloning of atoms. Cloning of atoms is performed by right-clicking on the atom's entry within the "Scene" sidebar list displayed towards the right-hand side of the 3D editor interface. After the right click, the user should then select the Clone option within the resulting menu.

Following the creation of a new atom, its entry within the Scene sidebar typically needs to be dragged and dropped into the "Atoms" group collection of the material under consideration.

Set Chemical Identity of New Atom

The chemical identity of this newly added atom can be altered under the "Object" Tab within the lower panel of the "Scene" sidebar, by editing the atom's corresponding "Name" entry. The atom's name consists of the name of the element separated from the atom's overall index in the crystal structure by a dash, e.g. "Si-1". "Si" is used by default if the element can not be extracted from the name itself.


Addition and deletion of atoms within a crystal structure is demonstrated in the following animation.