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Hardware Specifications

Our computing resources are hosted by trusted vendors: Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. We support IBM SoftLayer1, Rackspace2 and Google Cloud3 can deploy capacity there on a short notice.

The following shows the CPU and GPU hardware specification on aforementioned vendors.

CPU Types

The following table shows different types of CPUs available in our platform.

Name Type Processor Base Frequency (GHz)
c-1 Intel Xeon E5-2667-v34 3.20
c-2 Intel Xeon E5-2690-v45 2.60
c-3 Intel Xeon E5-2666-v36 2.90
c-4 Intel Xeon E5-2686-v48 2.30
c-5 Intel Xeon Platinum7 3.00
c-6 Intel Xeon Platinum 81689 2.70

GPU Types

The following table shows different types of GPUs the GPU-enabled compute nodes are provisioned with.

Name Type
g-1 NVIDIA V10010
g-2 NVIDIA P10011

Available Resources

As of Apr, 2018 our major compute and storage systems (per cluster) are as explained below. The total number of cores is administratively limited by our agreements with the cloud vendors, and cen be extended further upon request. Elastically grown file system lets us reach to 8 exabytes (EB) of disk space per single cluster.

Provider Total cores Total Memory (GB) Total Disk (EB)
AWS 36,000 60,000 8
Azure 10,000 20,000 8