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Entity Permissions

Permissions are rules defining which types of actions are allowed to be performed on an Entity by an Account. Examples of actions that are regulated by permissions include inspection (view), manipulation (execution) and/or modification (edit).

The owner) of an entity is granted all permissions to it.

Types of Permissions


Choose the "Read" option if actions should be limited to inspecting the contents of the entity, without making any changes.


"Execute" gives Accounts the possibility to run the computational tasks associated with the entity.


The "Edit" option authorizes the modification of the entity.


Finally, the "Comment" permission allows Accounts to write comments under the given entity, in a format and spirit similar to social network platforms.

NOTE: the ability to "Comment" is still under development.

Relevance to Entity Sharing and Organizations

Permissions are important in the context of entity sharing between accounts, and during the assignment of entities to Teams within an Organization.

Note: analogy with Google Drive functionality

Similarly to Access Levels, the permission types included on our platform mirror that of the Google Drive, for example 1.