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Molecular Weight

Non-Scalar Structural

All Non-Periodic structures have a molecular weight(MW)1 (also known as molecular mass) associated with them that is based on the total sum of weight of all atoms that make up the structure. The units for MW are in terms of grams (g) per mole (mol). A mole is a standard unit of measurement in chemistry for measuring atoms and molecules.2

For example, H2O has a MW of 18.001 g/mol. This is calculated by summing together the molecular weight of Oxygen and 2x the molecular weight of Hydrogen.

MW Oxygen = 15.999 g/mol

MW Hydrogren = 1.001 g/mol

MW H2O = 15.999 g/mol + 1.001 g/mol 1.001 g/mol = 18.001 g/mol.


The JSON schema and an example representation for this property can be found here.